Fix your Risk

The Dutch Association of Insurers (VvV) is founding member and key partner of the Dutch “Week van het geld”. This initiative is led by the “Platform Wijzer in geldzaken” (Money Wise platform), in which partners pool their strengths to advance responsible financial behaviour in the Netherlands. Money Wise platform is part of the Ministry of Finance. Her Majesty Queen Máxima is the honorary chair of the Money Wise platform.

During the “Week van het geld” various insurance professionals visit classes to teach “Fix je Risk” insurance lessons to 10-12 year-old children at primary schools. In 2019, we hosted 670 lessons throughout the entire country.

About the lesson

The duration of a “Fix je Risk” lesson is one hour: 20 minutes theory and 40 minutes gamification of this theory. The game consists of events children can relate to e.g. a birthday party, a summer camp and a sporting day. During these events, big and small accidents as well as positive things occur. Children decide in sub-groups if they opt for an insurance and which one. Based on a small introduction showed on the digital board, the groups discuss what could happen during each event. We aim to teach the children to critically think about insurance and how to cover the potential financial impact (with savings or with a policy). They can choose a maximum of two insurances out of four policy options. The ‘wheel of events’ selects at random what happens. The group which has most money left at the end of the game, is the winner.

Sign up as a guest lecturer!

Sign up!

Here you find all the information you’ll need to prepare your lesson:

  • The instructions will help you to give the lecture
  • Print diplomas for the students and take them with you to the school
  • The game is explained in the below video: